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From theseas!Princeton.EDU!cek Fri, 15 Jul 94 07:49:29 EET
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Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 13:43:32 -0500 (CDT)
In-Reply-To: <199407141548.AA242100909@dizzy.ece.ucdavis.edu> from "Wes Hardaker" at Jul 14, 94 08:48:29 am
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Errors-To: rayshade-users-request@cs.Princeton.EDU
Remailed-Date: Thu Jul 14 14:43:53 EDT 1994
From: tif@austin.ibm.com (Paul Chamberlain)
To: hardaker@ece.ucdavis.edu, rayshade-users@cs.Princeton.EDU
Subject: Re: rayshade -> heightfield?
Wes Hardaker writes:
>Has anyone made any patches that will allow rayshade to output a
>height field rather than a image? (IE, closer points in white,
>farther in black).
I made a hack to do this. I was going to do random dot stereograms
with the output. Never got around to the stereograms but my ray2hf
seemed to kind-o-sort-of work.
I've attached my diffs.
WARNING: this is a hack.
WARNING: it's also a hand pieced together set of diffs
Paul Chamberlain | <I do NOT speak for IBM!> | UNIX: tif@austin.ibm.com
IBM AWS, I/O Dev | 512/838-3759, IBM T/L 678 | IBM-VNET: TIF AT AUSTIN
*** src/libshade/Makefile Wed Aug 26 13:26:39 1992
--- ray2hf/libshade/Makefile Tue Aug 17 14:29:32 1993
*** 25,31 ****
SHELL = /bin/sh
LIB = libshade.a
--- 25,31 ----
SHELL = /bin/sh
LIB = libshade.a
*** src/libshade/picture.c Tue Aug 17 11:47:38 1993
--- ray2hf/libshade/picture.c Tue Aug 17 11:53:01 1993
*** 289,295 ****
} else
Options.pictfile = stdout;
! fprintf(Options.pictfile,"%d %d\n",Screen.xsize, Screen.ysize);
--- 289,295 ----
} else
Options.pictfile = stdout;
! fprintf(Options.pictfile,"P5\n%d %d\n255\n",Screen.xsize, Screen.ysize);
*** 301,309 ****
register int i;
for (i = 0; i < Screen.xsize; i++) {
! (void)fputc((int)CORRECT(buf[i].r), Options.pictfile);
! (void)fputc((int)CORRECT(buf[i].g), Options.pictfile);
! (void)fputc((int)CORRECT(buf[i].b), Options.pictfile);
--- 301,308 ----
register int i;
for (i = 0; i < Screen.xsize; i++) {
! fprintf(stderr,"alpha=%f\n",buf[i].alpha);
! (void)fputc((int)(buf[i].alpha), Options.pictfile);
*** src/libshade/viewing.c Wed Aug 26 13:26:39 1992
--- ray2hf/libshade/viewing.c Tue Aug 17 14:22:01 1993
*** 239,245 ****
--- 239,247 ----
color->r *= Sampling.filter[u][v];
color->g *= Sampling.filter[u][v];
color->b *= Sampling.filter[u][v];
+ #ifndef RAY2HF
color->alpha *= Sampling.filter[u][v];
+ #endif
*** 281,286 ****
--- 283,289 ----
dist = FAR_AWAY;
hitlist.nodes = 0;
(void)TraceRay(ray, &hitlist, EPSILON, &dist);
+ #ifndef RAY2HF
ShadeRay(&hitlist, ray, dist, &Screen.background, &ctmp, &fullintens);
color->r = ctmp.r;
color->g = ctmp.g;
*** 287,292 ****
--- 290,299 ----
color->b = ctmp.b;
if (hitlist.nodes != 0) {
color->alpha = 1.;
+ #else
+ if (hitlist.nodes != 0) {
+ color->alpha = dist;
+ #endif
} else {
color->alpha = 0.;
*** src/rayshade/Makefile Wed Aug 26 13:26:45 1992
--- ray2hf/rayshade/Makefile Tue Aug 17 14:29:44 1993
*** 32,38 ****
# If you are running on a Multimax, add -DMULTIMAX -DSHAREDMEM
# C-Linda flags, if appropriate
--- 32,38 ----
# If you are running on a Multimax, add -DMULTIMAX -DSHAREDMEM
# C-Linda flags, if appropriate
*** src/rayshade/raytrace.c Wed Aug 26 13:26:45 1992
--- ray2hf/rayshade/raytrace.c Tue Aug 17 14:27:19 1993
*** 262,268 ****
--- 262,270 ----
pix->r *= Sampling.filter[x][y];
pix->g *= Sampling.filter[x][y];
pix->b *= Sampling.filter[x][y];
+ #ifndef RAY2HF
pix->alpha *= Sampling.filter[x][y];
+ #endif
sampnum = 0;
*** 287,293 ****
--- 289,297 ----
pix->r += ctmp.r*Sampling.filter[x][y];
pix->g += ctmp.g*Sampling.filter[x][y];
pix->b += ctmp.b*Sampling.filter[x][y];
+ #ifndef RAY2HF
pix->alpha += ctmp.alpha*Sampling.filter[x][y];
+ #endif
if (++sampnum == Sampling.totsamples)
sampnum = 0;
Administrivia: rayshade-users-request@cs.princeton.edu
Mailing list: rayshade-users@cs.princeton.edu